He was a lyrical singer for several years within the French Army choir, the Opera Comique choir but also soloist in lyrical companies. In 2000, he founded his own opera company in order to produce a lyrical creation in Ile de France. In 2004, he founded « A Portée de Voix » company. He bases himself on his voice experience of his artistic background to lead communication and oral expression trainings. He also uses his voice for team building workshops. In addition to his training activity, in 2008 he wrote and performed a play in several theaters in France. He also worked on another show project that was performed in May 2012.
His vision of training
He developed an original and striking pedagogical approach using the voice as a pedagogical tool. Its aim is to enable each one to control the potential of his voice, to enhance his charisma when speaking in public or face to face and to ensure the most effective command of the basics of oral communication.
The transmission and memorizing of factual information in a professional context require a synthetic writing and pedagogical work. But even if such a text is available you also need to phrase it with an emotional performance. For example, good news or bad news do not rely only on a figure, but it is the voice's expressiveness that will enable to understand the nature of this figure. It is therefore essential to prepare the content that will be orally transmitted. The fact of catching the attention of an audience and maintaining this attention is based upon a projected and expressive voice that will make the transmitted emotions understandable.
Le chanteur, l’orateur, un même trésor : la voix ! Savoir chanter est pour la plupart du temps perçu comme un don. Avoir une belle voix serait associé à l’inné. Pourquoi ? Car on ignore comment fonctionne la voix, perdant ainsi la capacité d’utiliser ses multiples potentiels. On renonce au plaisir du chant. On éprouve des difficultés à s’exprimer face à un auditoire. Pourtant, le chant est à la portée de tous et nécessite simplement une technique appropriée, comme bien s’exprimer fait appel à des techniques vocales spécifiques et très rapidement accessibles. Quand on chante ou parle, l’objectif premier c’est « l’autre » : public, auditoire, interlocuteur. On peut penser en soi-même lors de réunions ou lors d’entretiens : « il s’écoute parler, il est trop long ». Celui qui parle n’est pas concentré, il parle pour lui. C’est la différence entre exhibition et transmission à l’oral. Chanter, parler, c’est donc dans un premier temps faire naitre cette sensation chez celui qui vous écoute : « il me parle, il me chante ».
The singer and the speaker have the same treasure: the voice! Most of the time, singing is seen as a gift. An attractive voice would be a gift of nature. Why is it so? Because we don't know how the voice works, and we therefore loose the opportunity to use the numerous potentials it offers. We give up the pleasure of singing. We find it difficult to express ourselves facing an audience. Yet singing is within everyone's reach and only requires the right technique, in the same way that expressing ourselves correctly calls on specific and very quickly reachable vocal techniques. When we sing or when we speak, the primary objective is "the other": the public, the audience, the person you are speaking to. During meetings or interviews, one may give the impression of thinking out loud: "he is listening to the sound of his own voice, he is too long". The person who is speaking is not concentrated and speaks to herself. That is the difference between oral presentation and transmission. Therefore singing, speaking, consists initially in creating this feeling with the person who is listening to you : "he is talking to me, he is singing to me".
Jean-Jacques Lapierre
Lyric singer
• Republican Guard choir, Comic Opera choir.
• Soloist at the Operas of Agen, Bordeaux, and at the Lyrical Theater of the department of Yvelines.
• Vocal coach.
• Soloist at the Operas of Agen, Bordeaux, and at the Lyrical Theater of the department of Yvelines.
• Vocal coach.
• Author/actor in
• Director
• Director
Consultant /Trainer
• Founder of A Portée de Voix
Expert Voix
• Expert VOICE at the APM (Progress Management Association)

Voice trainings
Developing the impact of the voice
Being efficient when speaking
Goals of the training
• Enhancing the quality of oral expression: expressing yourself with ease and efficiency.
• Developing the impact of your voice: pitching your voice correctly.
• Catching listening and attention: strengthening the impact of your voice.
• Using the key factors of the success of orality: being and staying in the exchange.
• Developing your charisma: passing on your energy by the quality of your voice.
• Maximizing your concentration: managing your emotions (stress).
• Developing the impact of your voice: pitching your voice correctly.
• Catching listening and attention: strengthening the impact of your voice.
• Using the key factors of the success of orality: being and staying in the exchange.
• Developing your charisma: passing on your energy by the quality of your voice.
• Maximizing your concentration: managing your emotions (stress).
Tools and methods
• A strong dynamic based on testing and interactivity.
• Switching between theoretical exercises and other exercises focused on professional benefits.
• Real life simulation exercises.
• Switching between theoretical exercises and other exercises focused on professional benefits.
• Real life simulation exercises.
1/2 day
• Training program centered and focused only on the development of the voice potentials
1 day
• Training program created and adapted according to the level and areas for improvement of participants.
2 days + 1 day (optional)
• 2 days (with or without intermission)
• The advantage is that it favors within participants the testing of previously learned concepts during the intermission. An individualized record sheet is given to each participant.
• As an option : 1 extra day (reminder) in a format to be chosen : 1/2 day or 1 day
• The advantage is that it favors within participants the testing of previously learned concepts during the intermission. An individualized record sheet is given to each participant.
• As an option : 1 extra day (reminder) in a format to be chosen : 1/2 day or 1 day
Individual support (coaching)
• Individual coaching workshop, 1h30 duration per workshop
• Number of workshops and training program according to the participant's expectations.
• Number of workshops and training program according to the participant's expectations.